The Secret Of Info About How To Get Rid Of Voicemail Icon On Blackberry

I cannot for the life of me get rid of the voice mail icon.
How to get rid of voicemail icon on blackberry. I called my voice mail every way possible and have 0 messages. This help link from o2 may help to guide you through various voicemail set ups and settings. On hanging up, the icon should disappear.
Then press the * key to exit voicemail when finished. How to get rid of voicemail icon? From the home screen or app drawer, open the phone app.
Listen to your voicemail and it should disappear. It will open the phone app (green phone icon). I searched and cannot find.
To turn it off (partially), go to setup (not settings) and launch visual voicemail. I did multiple batt pulls and its still there. Fully listen to the voicemail/s by calling 443 (gg voicemail);
Push and hold down the voicemail one (the tape icon). Then you will see that you're enrolled in. How to get rid of samsung voicemail icon.
It has nothing to do with blackberry as it's not their app. Go to each message icon on the home screen and when it is highlighted press menu key and there you will find the delete icon option, select the option and the icon will disappear. To clear the voicemail indicator on priv, complete the following: